This is inspired from the new aged idea that everyone wins. The "medal" which has in fact been made out of tinfoil represents the false rewards that children in America get, even when they lose. The text represents the fact that with that state of mind, the person will never be a winner.
This is a fairly fun picture, so I wanted to present it in a ironic way. This is it.
To begin with the Self-Portrait assignment, I thought long and hard about the things that influenced me, and the ways that I could portray those things. I ended up with the following list that I brain stormed.
  • Body Image - Typography
  • Technology - Photography
  • Cats - Photography
  • Art - Photography
  • Books - Photography
  • Drowning in Homework - Photography

Of course, this was all before I had even started the class. I had a four day weekend and a vision of finishing my first assignment before the first day of class on Tuesday. This led me to draw up some compositional designs.
These rough ideas were what I planned my photos from. (Excuse the sloppiness, I planned them on my Mac without a tablet.)
Then I began, I took around fifty photos and ended up with the ones in the posts above. 

i should get a good grade.

    Katherine Graham

    In which Katherine posts her achievements in the self-portrait assignment. 


    January 2013

